Start Date: | 29th November, 2019 |
End Date: | 29th November, 2019 |
Time: | 11:30 am to 02:30 pm (UTC+0) |
Cost: | FREE |
Location: | Valentines Park Melbourne Road, Ilford, Essex IG1 4SB |
Good morning
Our Charity has been nominated for the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service in the current round that ends with an announcement on June 4th 2020. This does not mean we have the award but have to go through an assessment process. We shall hear whether we have been awarded the QAVS in May 2020. There are 28 other groups who have been nominated in the area.
This prestigious award, known as the ‘MBE for voluntary groups’, is only given after a detailed nomination form has been submitted, which has been done and accepted as 'eligible.' We now have to go through the assessment process.
Avril McIntyre MBE DL will take us through the assessment process which will be on FRIDAY 29th November from 11.30 am to 2.30 approximately, at The Cranbrook Centre, Valentines Park, Melbourne Road, Ilford, IG1 4SB
Avril wants to meet as many people as possible who are or were involved with the charity and anyone who has benefited from its work.
Our assessor - Avril McIntyre MBE DL is the Queen's representative for Barking and Dagenham. She will also contact for information and comments on our activities, other sources such as the Representative Deputy Lieutenant for our borough, community leaders, local authorities, health providers and the Police.
We cannot be assessed by our own DL as the process must be impartial. You all know our Queen's representative in Redbridge from our AGM this year; Thomas Chan DL who attended with his wife Sim.
Avril McIntyre's work results in an assessment report to her Committee, sitting ‘in college’ in early January 2020, from where she advises the Lord-Lieutenant. He decides which groups are to go forward as ‘Recommended’ to the main QAVS Committee, and its specialist sub-committees for their examination of the evidence and final decisions. The content of the Lord-Lieutenant’s assessment report and his recommendations are private and confidential, and, after his assessment, we will only hear whether we have been awarded the QAVS, or not, after the whole process is completed in May 2020.
From the above, you will see how seriously the process of assessing and selecting those who are to be awarded QAVS is taken and how much it is to be valued.
We hope you will support us on Friday 29th for this important event in our Charity.
Refreshments will be provided as usual.
Children are welcome provided they are accompanied by a parent or grandparent!
Best wishes
The ASNet team