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9th February 2019

Did you know there are ways to minimise chances of losing data on your computer?

Are you wondering why your computer is so slow? But you don’t want to spend thousands of ££££ on a new one?

We have a solution.

A regular health check will avoid nasty problems later on.

Here is a typical case study.
A member came to seek help from our IT section as he was having difficulty accessing the information from his laptop. After a close inspection, our IT expert found over 200 errors on the data storage making it very difficult or impossible to access data from those files. This kind of problem can take days to resolve even if the information can be recovered. At the end, our professional computer expert successfully recovered the data for this member.

A visit to our ‘Computer Clinic’ on a Saturday morning between 11 and 2 pm for a Health Check would have reduced chances of this happening and spending time on rescuing important precious data. A donation of £30 for the health check and an additional £60 for data recovery. A comparison of high street stores £60 for a Health check and £90 for data recovery.