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22nd April 2020

Good afternoon

I received a call from Alison who is with a group called REDBRIDGE WELL BEING SERVICES.

If you are in a high risk category you will be classified as ‘in need’ so they will bring food packages, pick up medications and sort out any help you may need.

Just Call 0208-708-5555

You also may find this service of help, even if you are not in the high risk category but live alone and find it difficult to access shops and necessary services. I know there are many people who should be in the ‘at risk’ category but have not received a letter stating this and explaining what you should do. I discovered David and I are in that class as we received a call from our GP today. She was surprised when we told her we had not received letters as she explained we should be shielded owing to our medical conditions.Perhaps a phone call to your GP could confirm if you should be in this category.

Please register on the GOV.UK Covid-19 site below if you think you may be at risk.

Hope you find this useful.

Alsion was pleased that I would be able to notify people in the charity and she hopes you can pass it on to anyone you know who may need this service.

Best wishes, stay safe by staying at home and don’t take any chances as there are so many services such as this one to help you.