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Joint 200 and East London Radio interviews, Living with Arthritis

17th March 2021

Do you remember this message in our first Newsletter from Ian Chambers at East London Radio?
He encouraged us to listen to our young people from affiliated charity Joint200 sharing their experiences.

‘As part of our New Connections project, we have worked with our local media partners East London Radio who have produced two radio shows, speaking to Jay and Sophie, each diagnosed with Arthritis in their 20s. In the first one, they spoke about their journey to diagnosis, in the second, living with Arthritis. Links to each show can be found below.’

This was the link for the first week.

Here is the second link; the ASNet show – part 2

It’s great to hear Sophie & Jay speaking so eloquently about dealing with the issues they have faced and how they are dealing with them. Very uplifting in these times. Please take a few minutes to listen in.

Best regards,
The ASNet Team